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Client's First Name*

Client's Last Name*

What Service Did You Book At Nibana?

When Will Your Service Be?

Please Provide Date & Time

Please Name Other People Who Are Coming With You:

Parent or Legal Guardians Full Name in the case of a minor under the age of 18yrs

Client's Phone #*

Please add your phone number if you are the Adult Client, Parent or Legal Guardian of a minor

Client's Email Address*

Please add your email address if you are the Adult Client, Parent or Legal Guardian of a minor

Client's Date Of Birth

Please type the date of birth of the person who will be having a healing session, class or other as follows: month/day/year

Client's Address*

Please add your full address including your zipcode

Emergency Contact Person's Full Name*

Emergency Contact Person's Phone #*

At Nibana we have a Team of Healers that work together to assist clients on their healing journey. Do you give permission for us to share your information with Team Members to enhance your healing experience if we feel it is beneficial for your Healing purpose?

Your information will only be shared if you have/are booking sessions with other Nibana practitioners.

Please answer YES or NO below as way of your consent to the above:*

Do you suffer from any Disease or Illness?*

Please type in NO if you do not | Please type YES and explain if you do:

How did you hear about us?*

Website | Road Sign | Flyer | Friend, Family | Recommendation | Other?

By checking here, you are consenting and are in agreement that this be your electronic signature in lieu of a signature on paper and you confirm that:*

I Agree:*

I Agree:*

I Agree:*

I Agree:*

I Agree:*

I Agree:*

I Agree:*


Date Selector

Thank you for completing and submitting your Service Intake Waiver Form, we appreciate you taking time to do this. We will be in touch shortly. In the meantime please receive much Love n'Light We look forward to seeing you soon!


Call | Text: 667 . 500 . 2076


Nibana Salt Cave & Wellness Spa

Nibana's School Of Wisdom

667 . 500 . 2076 |

130 Holiday Court ~ Building 130 ~ Suite 102 Annapolis ~ 21401 MD

Copyright © 2/2/2022

Nibana Salt & Wellness

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