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CONTACT US 667 . 500 . 2076

To Book Your  Appointments, Questions or Other​

Planet and Moon
Chair Pic.png


Complete Sound Experience: 45 mins ~ $77

Add On To Any Service: 15 mins ~ $22

Planet and Moon

Let Yourself Be Transported Into Another Reality!

​Come and join us for this one-of-a-kind experience; "The Cosmic Chair". It will take you to wherever you need to go as you sit comfortably in this chair with your feet on Himalayan Salt Bricks and your eyes covered with a magnetized eye mask for a deeper experience.


On the back of the chair there is a Monochord (similar to a harp). Nicky will play the Monochord as she takes you through some Ancient Healing Chants as well as offer vibrational healing sounds coming from the Wind and Earth Gongs, Cosmic and Earth Crystal Sound Bowls, Hapi Tongue Drum and other Sound instruments that will vibrate through your energy field bringing you back into a state of pure Bliss and Balance as well as Light codes that will connect with your Light Body to bring it back into alignment. 


As all this is happening, the sound & vibration will envelop you like an invisible cocoon, you will quickly begin to feel its vibrations throughout your entire body, reaching deep into your bones. You become one with the instrument.


Almost immediately, your muscles start to relax, your heart rate slows, and your everyday worries melt away. A profound sense of "coming home" washes over you. This is the natural, soothing power of the Cosmic FeelTone Sound Chair, effortlessly restoring your inner balance.


After the Cosmic Chair Session clients have commented that they feel deeply rested, relaxed, and re-energized, as if they’ve tapped into a new source of vitality. It’s a small miracle for those who have never experienced it before.



•    Stress Reduction: Helps reduce stress and anxiety. 
•    Improved Sleep: Known to improve sleep patterns and trouble sleeping. 
•    Lowered Blood Pressure: Facilitates lowering one’s blood pressure. 
•    Reduced Cholesterol: Helps reduce cholesterol levels. 
•    Pain Relief: Assists with pain management. 
•    Improved Mood: Known to improve mood and reduce mood swings. 
•    Calmer Breathing: Creates a sense of Calmness allowing for a better breathing pattern. 
•    Heightened Body Awareness: Awakens your awareness and heightens your Spiritual Connection. 
•    Cramp Relief: Help to alleviate cramps. 
•    Meditation: Assist you to go deeper in your meditation practice.
•    And many more benefits….


60mins Complete Session includes the Cosmic Chair + Aromatherapy + Ancient Chants + Magnetized Eye Mask + Crystal Bowls + Gong + Steel Tong Drum "Hapi"


30mins Cosmic Chair includes the Cosmic Chair + Aromatherapy + Ancient  Chants + Magnetized Eye Mask


Disclaimer: Any persons seeking the services of Nibana Salt & Wellness must be at least 18 years of age or accompanied by a legal guardian. We do not claim to heal or  cure any health condition. It is the readers and/or clients responsibility to do their own research and seek professional medical advice in every instance. No individual should use the information found on this web page for self-diagnosis, treatment, or justification in accepting or declining any medical therapy for any health problems or diseases. When you come into Nibana Salt & Wellness you are confirming that you are not experiencing any flu and/or Covid~19 or any variant symptoms. You have not been in contact with anyone who was tested positive or had symptoms within the last 10 days. With your presence here you are confirming that you are healthy & responsible for assisting us with maintaining a safe environment for all those that come to this space.

Each Of Us Are Responsible For Our Own Journey..........


Call | Text: 667 . 500 . 2076


Nibana Salt Cave & Wellness Spa

Nibana's School Of Wisdom

667 . 500 . 2076 |

130 Holiday Court ~ Building 130 ~ Suite 102 Annapolis ~ 21401 MD

Copyright © 2/2/2022

Nibana Salt & Wellness

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